In case we've never met,

I’m Dr. Lindsay Cavanagh. I’m a psychologist, Military Marriage Coach and fellow military spouse.

My spouse and I have been together for 14 years and he has been active duty that entire time, which has included several moves (many OCONUS) and many deployments.

I have my PhD in psychology and worked as a military psychologist for over 14 years before transitioning to military marriage coaching. I have worked with hundreds of military couples and I’ve made it my mission to help military spouses manage this lifestyle the best way possible. 

I am passionate about helping military spouses have the marriage they TRULY desire and feel good in every day while navigating the military challenges with ease.

Working with military couples for over a decade has helped me perfect my formula to breathe life back into relationships with only one partner participating. This also has helped me to create resources to help military spouses have the life and marriage they want.

If you’ve been waiting for a sign that it’s time to make military life and marriage easier, the time is NOW!



It's here!

The Deployment Survival Guide:
an interactive eBook 

I don’t want deployment to be a time where you and your marriage suffer. 

Most importantly, I want to find a way that deployment is easiest for YOU and your marriage (and the personalized strategy to get you there).

I know there are several resources out there. Resources that give you blanket tips to manage deployment, but rarely are they customized for what you and your spouse need.

What you really need is a guide to walk you through what research says works, while allowing you to customize it to your specific needs and your specific marriage. 

Because after working with hundreds of military couples, as well as going through four of my own deployments, I have figured out strategies that work to get through with more ease, more connection, better communication, and more support. 

The Deployment Survival Guide will help you navigate your deployment by walking you through how you can set yourself up for success, dodge the common deployment pitfalls, and strengthen your marriage in the process.

I’ll guide you through what to prepare and how to have these conversation with your spouse so you can develop expectations and a plan that works FOR YOU. I’ll help you figure out where your gaps in support exist and close them to create the ease for deployment you truly desire. Lastly, you’ll get a plan in place that fits you and your marriage and brings in the feelings you want to feel so you actually THRIVE during the deployment. 

  • Develop the mindset necessary to get through this period with the most ease and enjoyment.
  • Learn EXACTLY what to prepare ahead of time and exactly how to do this. 
  • Learn what to expect and how you can create healthy expectations that won’t leave you disappointed. 
  • Get really solid plans for connection, communication, and conflict resolution, which is my key foundation for maintaining a healthy marriage during deployment.
  • Specific, science-backed deployment survival tools
  • Reintegration prep 
  • Extra bonuses along the way

I want to help you have the EASIEST deployment yet. 

But deployment doesn’t have to be just wasted months and your marriage DEFINITELY doesn’t need to suffer because of it. 

Ready to THRIVE in your next deployment? 

Get Your Copy for $27 Now!

That’s why I created the Deployment Survival Guide. 

Here’s what you get inside the Deployment Survival Guide: 

Get your copy today

with Dr. Lindsay Cavanagh 

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Married to Military 

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© Married to Military 2023  
