• Carrying so much of the mental load that you feel like you are drowning, but there is no one there to save you.
  • Exhausted from having the same argument over and over and nothing changes or gets better.
  • Resentment seems to be the strongest emotion you feel at the moment.
  • Shutting down because you have nothing else to give, especially when you don't feel like you are getting anything in return.

It is a big deal that you are here. When you are struggling in your marriage and feeling hopeless that it might never change, it can lead to what I call marriage shutdown. With everything you are holding as a parent, you need to have a spouse that feels like a true partner and nurtures you as much as you are nurturing them.

Because here’s the truth:

An 80 year research study has confirmed that having a happy marriage is the TOP predictor of how happy you are, but no one teaches you how to have a happy marriage which is why 90% of parents report feeling really unhappy in their marriage after they have kids!

Have a Happier Marriage After Kids NOW!

Ready to feel more love and support in your marriage and have the secrets to get you there? 

Transform your marriage with these 3 hidden secrets!
Sign up Now

I’m Dr. Lindsay Cavanagh. I’m a PhD psychologist and marriage expert with over 16 years working with couples, and a fellow parent (mom of two). I know first-hand the challenges that children can put on a marriage, and I have perfected how to strengthen marriages even with those challenges in mind.

I am passionate about helping parents have the marriage they TRULY desire because I know it is THE most important thing to feeling happy in parenting and in life. I cannot wait to share these strategies with you!

Who Am I?

I see you...

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  • Feels supportive where your spouse knows what you need and wants to go out of their way to make it happen
  • Feels more like a partnership, that recognizes you for the mental load you are holding and seeks to take on as much as they can without you having to tell them to do it
  • Brings you so much joy, love, and contentment like how you felt when you were first dating
  • Listens to your needs and emotions and seeks to find understanding and compromise with their own
  • Is solid, safe, and can withstand all of life’s challenges. 

As a parent, your time and energy is precious. You don't have the time or energy to have the same fight over and over. You don't have time or energy to make a list of things your spouse can do to help you. You don't have the time or energy to feel unseen, neglected, and hurt.

This training isn’t meant to waste your time or give you false hope.

This is your free crash course into how you can start having a happier marriage NOW even if what you feel you need the most is to see changes from your spouse!

You want (and need!) a marriage that…

So grab your headphones and get ready to: 

  • Learn the 3 hidden secrets you aren’t hearing anywhere else that you can use to guarantee you to feel better in your marriage

  • Start knowing how to make the changes you want to see in your marriage and the exact actions that get you there

  • Feel more empowered to make changes in your marriage than ever before

  • Understand your dynamics with your spouse in an entirely new way

  • Have total clarity on how you can bring the changes you want to see in your marriage

In this one training?   YES

Don’t take my word for it? Here’s what some people who have participated in my past trainings have had to say:

“Thank you so much for this training. I feel so motivated to make changes in my marriage knowing exactly where to start.”

“I am genuinely sad this training is over because it has been so helpful to me. I feel more hope for my marriage than I have had the last 10 years. Thank you so much.”

“I have already tried some of your suggestions from the training and I cannot believe how different things are already starting to feel. Thank you so much for everything you do and I cannot wait to see what results are still on the way.”

I'm going to be leading a special live version of this training Monday, September 9th at 8pm EST.

There is nothing like a live event so even if you have watched this training before, come again, ask questions, and let it sink in even more. As a special thank you for coming live, I'll be gifting whomever stays until the end of the training a copy of my Scripts for Change: Conversation Scripts that Actually Create Lasting Change in Your Marriage. 

Click the link for more information and how to sign up!

Join me LIVE!


Married after kids 2024